Thursday, May 15, 2008


"This has been talked about, debated about constantly by international, national, local press, media, by the whole hospitality, culinary field, all of it . . . This has been going on forever."
Two long years, actually, but Chicago Mayor Richard Daly's comment said it all as he watched the City Council vote 37-6 to overturn the city's ban on Foie Gras, which he once called "the silliest law...ever."
FoieBlog commends the unyielding efforts of Chicago Chef's for Choice and the Artisan Farmers Alliance in battling this ban into oblivion and showing the animal activists that they are a force to be reckoned with. Alderman Joe Moore passed the ban in a sneaky legislative move back in April 2006, but his defeat was both public and embarrassing, and should send a message to those who would so blithely take away their constituents freedom of choice to quiet the voices of a few extremists.
We all involved well as they take the fight to Sacramento to overturn California's ban on Foie Gras, which is set to go into effect in 2012.
Hopefully it won't take that long.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


After being force-fed the facts by the Maryland Restaurant Association, Artisan Farmer's Alliance, and the state veterinarian, legislators in both the Assembly and Senate of Maryland decided to pull bills that would've banned the production and sale of Foie Gras in the state.

"We may have gone too far," was how Senator Joan Carter Conway, put it as she tabled the bill she sponsored, and that pretty much sums things up.

Activists annoyed their representatives into introducing the legislation, but well-reasoned arguments from sensible voices showed them the light.

Kudos to the coalition that stood against this absurdity. They say 99% of success is just showing up, but 1% solid information doesn't hurt.

FoieBlog looks forward to enjoying some Foie Gras Crab Cakes Encrusted With Old Bay Seasoning - if anyone is brave enough to make it.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


FoieBlog would like to apologize for our extended absence. A recent reader e-mail reminded us that we've been remiss in our duties.
Alas, while some aspects of life outside of cyberspace (which we won't bore you with) have distracted us from our mission of late, rest assured, we're still here, and hope to be stirring up trouble again soon.
In the meantime, GrasGuy did something recently that was either unfortunate or ill-advised. We'll recount it as a cautionary tale.
On a inclement winter night he had a craving for a hearty cassoulet, but, being the lazy gourmand that he is, he wasn't about to drag the family out into the bitter cold to satisfy his craving.
It wasn't really a problem, though, because in Manhattan everything is available via delivery.
So it was that with a quick check of the internet, he was able to place an order for a plate of Duck Leg Cassoulet with Coco beans and Sausage from one of his favorite local eateries, Brasserie Julien.
Of course, he couldn't leave it at that.
While perusing the online menu, his eye was drawn to the appetizer list, topped by a Terrine of Foie Gras with Apple and Calvados Chutney and Glaze.
Foie Gras, via bicycle? Did he dare?
He did.
The site of the Foie Gras through the plastic lid of the delivery container was only slightly more appetizing than when it was uncovered and it's adehsion to the aluminum surface was in full view.
Most people would have shut the lid, and shut out the memory of this travesty, but for GrasGuy, Foie Gras left uneaten is Foie Gras that never existed at all.
Surprisingly, it was good.
Not surprisingly, there were consequences.
We will not recount them here.
Other food had been consumed that day, much of it likely of questionable origin given GrasGuy's propensity to eat things even Andrew Zimmern would think twice about, but the finger of suspicion must point to the terrine.
Somehow we don't think this will stop him from placing another order if a similar mood should strike again.
If so, we hope something else won't strike again either.